Wednesday 22 April 2015

LO3 - Script (Original versions.)

Original Script
Below is our team's original script for Sheffield Live!'s television magazine show Games Corner's news segment, developed by teammate Matt Poole and I.

The information collected for the script above were collected from the website links below:

Initial Improvements/Corrections
Below is the original script but with positioning issues corrected so it appears as a standard T.V. script should do. We have also included where voiceovers should be included via sound instructions. Extra camera angle instructions have been added as before we put "CUT BACK TO STUDIO" instead of "CUT BACK TO LEVEL TWO SHOT" as we have when correcting errors. We have now made the host's names bold so that it stand out to make it clear which is host is presenting which segment. Some of the capitilized names appear to be off centre, this is a result of the way they have been printscreened.

Monday 20 April 2015

LO2 - TASK 6 - Production Plan and Meeting Minutes.

Below is our team's meeting minutes, created by Matt Poole on 16.3.15.

Below is our teams planned Production plan, written by Matt Poole.

UPDATE: - 22/4/15
Oliver H has since left the group.

LO2 - TASK 5 - Audience Profile

James is a 15 years old boy and is currently in preparing for his exams in secondary school.

In his spare time James likes to relax by playing video games on his Xbox 360 or PS4. His favourite video games to play are Halo and Skyrim. James spends most of his spare time playing video games and watching online video reviews, one of his favourites being Gamespot. He is also interested in the YouTube community and has subscribed to many different gaming related YouTube channels.

James’s favourite genres of music include dubstep and rock music. He and his friends listen to it together in their rooms and like to converse over Skype and other social media websites. He often meets up and goes out with to town with his friends, visiting locations such as HMV and fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonalds. 

James fits within the demographic of ABC1, probably fitting best within he B – C section of the demographic. James receives a high income from both his parents.  

LO2 - TASK 4 - Moodboard

Below is the moodboard I created when planning what to feature in the script. The moodboard summarises ideas of what the script should feature, what the target audience will be like and what appeals to them. The moodboard also contains elements that relate to video games, news channels, Games Corner and Sheffield Live!.

Monday 13 April 2015

LO2 - TASK 3 - Mind Map of Initial Ideas

Below is the mind map of our initial ideas when planning what content we felt suitable to include when writing our script.

LO2 - TASK 2 - Who I am Working With: Team Members and Job Roles

For this unit/project, I will be working in a group with Matt Poole and Oliver Hardy.
I will be responsible for research required for making the script and questions to receive feedback on the script.
Oliver will be joining me to help with the task of collecting research.
Matt has taken responsibility for writing the script.

We are to product the script for 27/3/15.

UPDATE - 22/4/15
Oliver H has since left the group.